where energy explorers are sharing what they’re playing with and creating


Meet Energy Explorer and Contributor Jace

Jace is a young energy explorer who lives in Houston, Texas, USA, where he has many adventures.

Bursting with creativity and a love of nature and parks, Jace shares his thoughts on movies, what he’s reading, poems he’s written and artwork inspired by his energy adventures. He was recently honored with being chosen to read a poem he wrote for a big celebration of Houston’s magical downtown green space, Discovery Green.

If you are an energy explorer and would like to share your adventures, send us an email using the form below. We’re always on the lookout for young adventurers helping to share the magic of playing with energy.

Meet Energy Explorer and Contributor Heather

Heather is an energy explorer who is currently on an adventure in Brisbane, Australia.  She has traveled to many cities around the world and loves getting to know the unique energies and vibes of the cities that she visits.

Bursting with a love for world adventure, kookaburras and building friendships on her journey, Heather shares her creative projects and works as she relates with and experiences the magic of the world of energy.

If you are an energy explorer and would like to share your adventures, send us an email using the form below. We’re always on the lookout for young adventurers helping to share the magic of playing with energy!


Heather participates in international Weeks of World Cooperation 4 times a year to gather with people who care about the world and love bringing more cooperation to it. For the March 2019 Week of World Cooperation, the participants created a collaborative “Planet Earth Time Capsule” as a message to future people about beautiful Planet Earth on its adventures around the sun and through the universe. Heather created a beautiful photo and drawing story that energy explorers of all ages are sure to enjoy!

(Click on the image below each time you want to “turn the page” on Heather’s story.)


In a typical magical energy event, Jace recently found this encyclopedia of magical herbs in the lobby of the building where he lives. I Love Energy explored some of the herbs with him in the book during one of the monthly Campfire Chats hosted by World of Energy. We especially enjoyed exploring fennel.


Blue may be sad and lonely, like the deepest, darkest sea, but blue to me is the summer sky and the breezy winds of the flowing river.

Yellow may be sour and unhappy, like the pollution and smog of the factories, but yellow to me is warm and inviting, like the sunshine on my face.

Red may be angry and terrifying like war and cannons and disease, but my red saves lives and property from burning fires and defeats
terrible monsters with a magnificent red cape.

Green is peace and light and success, like beautiful leaves that hold you up.

Brown may be ordinary, like a brown paper bag, but to me brown can be the majestic trees of the pine forest.

Black may be scary, like shadows on the wall, but to me black is nature’s most peaceful light.

Interested in contributing? We'd love to hear from you! Please use the form below to let us know what you'd like to contribute.

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